Thursday, September 15, 2011

How did this happen?

I didn't freak out on her birthday.  But last night while getting her dressed for bed, it just hit me-my baby is so big now! 

How did she go from this:

to this:


                                                                      to this, so fast??

I know I am a week late, but Happy 2nd Birthday to my beautiful daughter!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011


I love my dog.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

1st Pigtails

I couldn't get a great picture, but when I was able to finally get Kennedy's hair into pigtails for the 1st time today, she looked so cute I almost cried!


Monday, January 17, 2011

Outdoor Fun!

Another beautiful day here and thankfully I didn't have to work, so I got to spend the day with Kennedy, my sister and my dad. 



Kennedy and Grandpa


too funny!


Poor orange never knew what was coming....



Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day at the park

You've got to love California.  2 weeks ago it was snowing, today it was 80 degrees out!  I took Kennedy on a walk to the park and let her run around for awhile.  I didn't take many pictures, I was just trying to soak in the beautiful day with my little girl.  It really made me miss the days I was home with her every day, so I am really happy this is a 3 day weekend.


This kid loves apples!


She is so cute it hurts.

Crazy kid.  She has this whole big park to run around at, and what does she want to do?  Go through mommy's purse!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow in Southern California

I went to San Diego for New Years, and as I was driving home with only a few miles till home, I noticed the rain hitting my windshield looked a little slushy.  I got home and saw all these posts of Facebook of people saying it was snowing in Santa Clarita.  So Ron & I run to the window and sure enough, it's snowing!!!  At 2 in the afternoon in Southern California! I was like a little kid, taking video, pictures, running in and out of the house and driving Kennedy nuts by pointing it out to here all afternoon.  We finally got all bundled up and drove down the street to take pictures of ourselves in the snow.  It was so much fun, but so sad to wake up the next morning and see it was all gone  :(