Sunday, March 28, 2010

Days 84-87

We went to San Diego this weekend and of course I forgot to pack my battery charger for my camera. I didn't take many pictures since the battery was so low. We walked out to the pier and watched some surfers, but Kennedy was more interested in her feet!



Long day in the car, by the time I remembered to take a picture it was late and I was tired, so this was all I got.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 83

So as you know, we don't get much sleep in this house.  Kennedy doesn't sleep much at night and getting her to nap during the day is almost impossible. I've been wondering for awhile now how she doesn't just pass out from exhaustion. Well today it finally happened. Ron was feeding her breakfast when all of a sudden I hear him say "Are you serious??" I come downstairs and find her like this:

Kennedy is standing all the time now. Today she figured out how to pull open the blinds and look outside:


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Days 81 & 82


Kennedy looked too cute in her little robe after Ron gave her a bath. She wouldn't keep still, so I snapped this real quick....

then she crawled away.....

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 80

I went to the Farmers Market near my house for the 1st time today and got myself some flowers. I love that $5 got me enough flowers to have a vase in every room!

I need to start taking pictures during the day though. I try not to use my flash, so I have to try and hold steady with the slower shutter speed- this is one of the only ones I got that didn't come out too blurry.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 79- Happy Birthday Grandpa

I miss you everyday.

Days 76-78

Nothing special to show for the past few days. I haven't really touched my camera in a few days, I just snapped a few pictures with my little camera I keep on my purse. Yesterday I was soooo busy and at one point I was at Universal Citywalk. I parked up on the roof of the parking lot and there was such a pretty view of the city. I pulled out my camera, and right when I was about to take the picture, the battery died!  :(  So I have nothing to show for yesterday.

This is one of my old baby toys I found while cleaning out a closet. I don't remember it, but I think it is so cute!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010


day 75- Ron had the day off and we were finally able to spend a full day together with Kennedy.  We got a lot done around the house and had a nice day at the park.

Day 74

Day 73- Uh, this is the only picture I took this day. We saw Alice in Wonderland and the 3D glassses were too funny to not take pictures in:

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Days 68-72

I took Kennedy for a long walk today and then stopped at the park to take some pictures. Stupid me, I didn't pay attention at all to where the sun was and so I am so dissapointed with all the pictures. Too many shadows!  But she is so cute, I had to post a couple anyway!
At the doctor's office for Kennedy's 6 month appoitment.  She has discovered her new favorite toy- crinkly paper! Once she started playing with it, there was no stopping her. By the time the nurse came in to give her the vaccinations, the paper was completley shreddred. Oh well, if she has to get a shot, the least I can do it let her go to town on some paper!
I didn't take any other pictures this week that were interesting enough to post. But, Ron took some funny pictures of Kennedy on his phone that I thought I would share.  I just love this girl!
She has now discovered sticking out her tounge....and she won't stop!
And my personal favorite:

Monday, March 8, 2010

Days 65-67

Kennedy is 6 months old today! I know everyone says it goes by so fast, and it really is true. It's funny because it seems like a lifetime ago that I was in the hospital, ready to meet her.  And those first few months were so rough I thought time was crawling. But suddenly here we are, 6 months later. I can't believe that this time last year I was pregnant, losing my job and having a hard time imagining what life would be like with a child. Now, I don't even want to go one day without her. The past couple weeks she has been growing and changing so much, every day she is doing something new.  She is becoming a big girl so quickly, it's exciting and sad at the same time.  I love watching her learn and discover new things, but when I think back to even a few weeks ago, she has already changed so much. I love her more and more each day but I can't wrap my head around how fast she changes- the little girl I knew last week is already gone, and next week she will be different yet again. As much as I love watching all these changes and look forward to more, I wish it would slow down just a bit. It feels like before I know it my little baby will gone. I never realized how fast the baby stage really goes by.

Thank God for pictures, they capture all her moments so I can always look back and remember. I may not be a great photographer and I hope one day I can get pretty decent at this- but for now, I am just grateful to have so many of Kennedy's moments captured in photographs- in focus or not!

                                               Day 67- Practicing crawling on the hard floors

Day 66- Ron put Kennedy down for nap and then jumped in the shower. Kennedy never goes down for a nap without a fight and I couldn't believe how fast he got her to sleep and she wasn't crying. I peeked in her room and saw this:

Day 65- She is starting to discover EVERYTHING! She needs to touch anything and everything- funny that to a baby, even a bag of diapers is exciting.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 64

Today was so nice, I took Kennedy outside for awhile and had her play in the grass. She was so fascinated by it I could not get her to look up once for a picture. I swear if any neighboors could hear me they would think I was crazy- I was making all kinds of noises trying to get her to look at me. Apparently mommy's got nothing compared a nice patch of green grass!

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Kennedy's becoming such a big girl!

I have been kinda bad about taking pictures the past few days and don't have much to post. BUT.. Kennedy has been doing all kinds of new things the past 2 days so here are a few snapshots. I grabbed my little point and shoot and just started cliking so I didn't miss anything. The pictures aren't great, but I am just happy I captured her doing these new things!

So yesterday at my parent's house my mom calls me into her office to look at what Kennedy is doing:

I can't believe she was trying to stand up!

So then we put her in her play yard and stood her up:

And then she fell (excuse the blur):

And she's up again! (Taken by my dad):

Today she was really crawling like a champ, pretty soon she will be all over the house!  She also had her first taste of some real food (other than boring oatmeal):

Mmmmmmmm, sweet potatoes!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 58- Solvang

Today was a fun girls day- Kim, Kennedy and I took a drive to Solvang and stopped along the way to take some pictures. It was pouring rain all day but the weather cleared up as soon as we got there so we were able to walk around.
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Days 56-57

Nothing special the last couple days- just running around getting errands done. One day I saw a goose running around near my house so I snapped a picture before it ran away.